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Boolean Operators

Boolean operators (AND, NOT, OR) locate records containing matching terms in one of the specified fields, both of the specified fields, or all of the specified fields. Use Boolean operators to connect words or phrases between more than one text field, or use Boolean operators to connect words or phrases within a text field.

Use the AND operator to locate records containing all of the specified search terms. For example, if you search under "dogs AND cats", the digital library locates records containing all of the specified terms.
Use the OR operator to locate records matching any or all of the specified terms. For example, if you search under "dogs OR cats", the digital library locates records containing either the first search term or the second.
Use the NOT operator to locate records containing the first search term but not the second. For example, if you search under "dogs NOT cats", the digital library locates records containing the first search term but not the second.


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