You are here: Searching in SirsiDynix e-Library > Hit List of Catalog Records

Hit List of Catalog Records

A hit list of catalog search results may include the following catalog record information about an item.

Call number
Edition information
Estimated wait
Number of available copies
Publication year
Links to online texts and databases, if available

If available, items in the hit list may contain enrichment information. Icons and links for added information may take you to the Details display of an item or to a new browser window, where you can access the following information.

Author's biography
Reviews of the item
Summary of the item
Table of Contents
Sample chapter
Children's Literature Research Page from CLCD
ChiliFresh User Reviews
NoveList content articles

Once a particular item has been located on the hit list, you may be able to choose to display details of the item, keep the item as part of a build-your-own temporary bibliography, save the item to one of your permanent bibliographies, recommend the item for purchase by the library, buy the item from an online retailer, bookmark the item's details page, create a permanent link (permalink) to the item's details page, or check out an electronic text version of the item.

Broadcast Searching

If available, you can click on a broadcast searching link to search Z39.50 sites for information related to the items in your Search Results.

Simultaneous Searching

If available, you can access Web Resources directly related to the items in your Search Results or choose to perform a similar search via an internet search engine.

Try These Too

The Try These Too feature retrieves a list of titles that are cross-referenced to the titles found in your search. The Try These Too feature can also display in the details for the item.

You Found Titles in Categories

The You Found Titles in Categories feature retrieves a list of titles with Library of Congress classifications similar to that of the selected record(s). The You Found Titles in Categories feature can also display in the details for the item.

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