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Positional Operators

Positional operators (SAME, WITH, NEAR, ADJ) locate records in which the search terms are in close proximity within the same bibliographical record. Positional operators can be used to connect words or phrases within a search field but not between search fields.

Use the SAME operator to locate records in which a bibliographic record field contains all of the specified terms. All of the search terms are located within the same record field, though not necessarily in the same sentence. For example, if you search under "Chicago SAME history", only records containing both "Chicago" and "history" within the same bibliographic field will be retrieved.
Use the WITH operator to locate records in which a field contains a sentence with all of the specified terms. For example, if you search under "Chicago WITH history", only records containing both "Chicago" and "history" in the same sentence in a bibliographic field will be retrieved from this search.
Use the NEAR operator to locate records in which a field contains all of the search terms next to each other; however, the order of the terms does not have to match the order they were entered. For example, if you search under "Chicago NEAR history", only records with the terms "Chicago" and "history" next to each other within the same bibliographic field would be retrieved from this search. "Chicago" or "history" could display first in the field.
Use the ADJ operator to locate records in which a field contains all of the search terms adjacent to each other and in the order they were entered. For example, if you search under "Chicago ADJ history", only records with the terms "Chicago" and "history" adjacent to each other within the same bibliographic field and with "Chicago" listed first in this field would be retrieved from this search.
In addition, you may append a number to the positional operators NEAR and ADJ to limit or broaden the proximity between words. For example, "FROM ADJ1 HERE ADJ2 ETERNITY" shows how to search for the title, "From Here to Eternity." ADJ2 means that the words may be within two searchable words of each other, but they must be in the order they were entered.


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