You are here: Your Library Catalog > My Account > Review Your Account > Renew Materials From Review My Account

Renew Materials From Review My Account

You can renew items from Review My Account, if your library permits the renewal of items while reviewing current information about your account.

If the library permits users to renew items while reviewing their accounts, the Checkouts/Select Items to Renew area displays. If this area does not display, users cannot renew items while reviewing their accounts. Users can still renew items by returning to the My Account page and clicking Renew My Materials. Refer to the Renew Materials topic for instructions.

Important Considerations in Renewing Materials Under Review My Account

If you are the head user for a user group (such as for a family card), you cannot renew items for other members of your user group. You can only renew items that you checked out.
If your library limits the total number of renewals or the number of consecutive unseen renewals, the total number of times renewed and the number of unseen renewals may display for each item.
If the current renewal is the next to last renewal permitted for the item, a message displays.
If an item cannot be renewed for any reason, a message displays.

If you haven't already logged in, you may be prompted to log in to the SirsiDynix e-Library when you attempt to change information in My Account. Depending on the settings your library has chosen, this login may only be valid for the current transaction.

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